When Iran went to war with Iraq, they lost many many soldiers everyday. Since Iran don’t have too many heavy war machinery their casualty almost doubled. Soon enough, they will have to recruit new soldiers. The way they recruit new soldiers is very interesting to me. They give this golden key to young boys around fourteen to sixteen years of age and promise them that the key will open their door in heaven when they die. In the book, it says, “They told him that in paradise there will be plenty of went to war and thousand of kids would die with that golden key hanging in their necks. Most of them came from poor families and most of them believe in the promise that the government gave them. When I read this part, the first thing that came through my mind was how were they able to kill innocent kids? Don't they have any sympathy or considertion, perhaps love for them? Most of these kids was supposed to be the future pillars of the country. This just shows that the government does not care about human rights at all.
In 2007, an incident happened in Red Mosque in central Pakistan. This place was intended to teach children about Islam. Instead they convert most of the children to became a martyr. Many of them was brainwashed to became suicide bombers and other jihad actions around the country. The government official rated the place and rescued two girls. When they got interviewed, they said that they did not mind dying as a martyr and to be a jihad. As many as 1800 kids divided into two group will be put in the 2 form and many of them was already put to their promise to die and became a martyr.
I hope that the government in this world will be more aware about this matter and not just war itself. Young kids is the future of the country. They are the next genertion after us. We have to teach them well and put this extreme teaching as far as possible.