After the presentation that Lucas and Ted presnt about the war in Iran and Iraq, it made me realize how useless the war itself was. The casualty of the war itself was insane and the result of the war, practically zero. America did not benefit from this war at all, it just worsen out country. Look at how many soldiers died in Iraq, and not to mention how much money we put into that war? It's insane I must tell you. Oil prices incresase dramatically and many American families lost their beloved ones. I feel as if the only people who benefits from this war is George Bush. Because of him, we are now experiencing a major economic crisis ever in the century. Many companies and organization are experiencing a major fall down; bankrupcy. Many Americans lost their jobs, get laid off, simply because the company are not able to pay them. You know what this results in? A MAJOR CRISIS. Most companies who offer health care and great benefits, those people who lost their jobs looses the benefits as well. One of my family member just lost her job in an airline company and she has a daughter, and imagine, NO insurance because she lost her job and now she has to find a way to get health care so she does not have to have thousands of dollars for doctor visits and medicines. I could spend hour talking about this topic and particular. It gets me so heated just knowing how many lives were lost because of this war and its affecting all of us.
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