Well back to the original topic, in the book, REVOLUTION. Many people believe that the meaning of Revolution is means creating or changing something to be in a better condition than before. Revolution never comes easy, sometimes revolution has to pay a very high price. When people get killed or tortured, that is revolution. This is what was happening in Iran, a country that is well known for their Islamic rulings.
“God will bring no change in the conditions of any people unless they themselves set about to change their circumstances. These enlightened and sacred words are providing the motivation for all my activities. I believe that by turning these divine words into action, people can change their own and their society’s conditions and move from darkness to light, from injustice, inequality, poverty, and tyranny to the ideals and the legitimate demands of humankind.
Ya’qub Mehrnahad write this on his Blog a few months before he got executed by the Iranian government. He was the president of the Youth Voice of Justice Association (YVJA), an organization that was very well known among the people who fight for democracy in Iran. The organization fought for education, non discrimination action and democracy itself. He was arrested in 2007 after accused of being part of the one radical armed group that is known against the Iranian government called Jondollah.
During his detention, many people believed that he was tortured and he never actually have legal counsel from anyone at all. When I read the quote by Ya’qub it really made an impact on the way I think about revolution. Even though Iran proclaimed themselves as a Muslim religion country, their actions and the way the government behave is way much extreme than a non Muslim country. In the holy book of Koran, it states that we must to be kind to another human being. But here we have a country that keeps cutting people's throat just to cover their own pile of dirt. The question is when will they get there freedom and democracy? One year, two years or never? All those people who died by torturing or get killed by the government official means nothing if this act don’t come to the end completely. I hope someday they get what they want and know that death is something that should not be joked around with.
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